Part 13: The Forgotten Lands Recap
Previously on Myth III
The four heroes - Connacht, Damas, Myrdred and Ravanna found the Crypt of Mazzarin.
This level is really quite easy, as long as you keep moving around Lyches, and heal people as necessary. The real difficulty is figuring out exactly how to open the crypt, and which hero reacts to which power circle. If you know that, it's a cakewalk.
Myth is really a good game for internet coop play. The four people playing where from Canada, Iceland, France and the US, and lag doesn't really play into things. There's no need for low pings so you can make that perfect headshot. Myth is fine if your ping is in the >100ms area.

The game film. Remember to download the image and open the image with winrar to find a filmy present inside.

We add our third tier to the kill image.

The only failure I experienced playing was having to deal with other people. There is one interesting fact - if I acted surprised that Connacht was healed in the second power circle, that's because that was the exact moment I figured that out. I didn't know the heroes got healed in their own circle! When playing single player, you focus on the group way more than individuals, and I just never noticed that my units were getting healed. All I cared about was if anyone was in red, then I would heal them.

Everything in this video happened, even if I did lose the audio and had to get everyone to re-record their lines even though they're all terrible at acting like themselves. How is that even possible? But yeah, Tiny did drop at the moment we started going for real. A great start.

One on one, Myrdred is close to the strongest unit in the game. His ability to deliver a constant stream of damage that prevents enemy counter attacks is unmatched. Against groups, Mydred can use one of his three Dispersal Dreams to destroy whole ranks of foes. Unfortunately, Myrdred is very slow and has low health.
A young Avatara of great skill, Myrdred is the assistant to the Imperial advisor Mjarin. Spending most of his time learning the disciplines of spellcraft, he is not as proficient with weapons as his fellow Avatara. Myrdred has mastered the powerful Dream spells which even the strongest Avatar struggle to learn. Though he is considered one of the most powerful Avatara in Llancarfan, his hunger for knowledge and lore has drawn some ridicule amongst his peers - which only seems to fuel Myrdred's desire for long forgotten powers. Myrdred knows the Avatar's Dispersal Dream spell, and many other powerful magical feats.
"…swords clashed as the two initiates sparred in the courtyard. Myrdred, a young apprentice, paid them little heed as he studied his tome. One of the initiates, offended at seeing a lowly apprentice not showing proper respect, approached and challenged Myrdred to a duel. With but only a glance, the initiate froze in mid-step. The smiling apprentice whispered, 'true power lies not in your arms'…"
"...defeated by the Trow eons past, the Callieach were known as the first true sorcerers. It was they who interpreted the one-dream of the Wyrd and carved those visions into the monolithic Rune Stones which lie scattered across the face of the world. Ancient scrolls unearthed in the Age of Reason, speak of fourty-nine of these dream-spells etched upon stone, and hidden for ages..."

Ravanna is…actually not as good as a Berserk in my opinion. She has her unique ability to spin and damage anything nearby, and this ability has almost no cooldown. That's something I guess, but if you get surrounded by enemies in the first place, you're doing something wrong.
Ravanna, daughter of the Twelve Duns and Myrmidon Warrior. She is a raven haired beauty and a warrior of few equal. Being a part of the proud Myrmidon clans, the holy protectors of her clansmen, she has studied the art of close combat all her life. She wields dual Gridaksma blades as is the standard with most Myrmidon warriors. Although quick to anger, she is always cool headed in heated combat. Her love for her people knows no equal. She is determined to destroy Moagim, who's undead armies have all but decimated her clansmen.
"…centuries ago, the Myrkridian horde had turned their once proud people of the Twelve Duns into nomads. Legend says that a temple was discovered from their long forgotten history - a temple to a god of war. Those that learned from that sacred place became fearless of death and swift as vipers. These warriors could take on even the Myrkridia. They were named: Myrmidons…"
"...the Myrmidon of the Dunns cherish their dual blades, called Gridaksma. Crafted from the finest metals, they shine like polished silver and are light as glass. When forged, each Gridaksma is cooled in a basin of fresh blood, and when finally tempered, are blessed with prayers to the god of war..."

Much like thrall except faster, Forgotten are only a real threat in groups.
In the deep recesses of Forest Heart, ancient civilizations grew and fell beneath its towering branches. One of these civilizations was a race of cannibalistic hunters, who for the gift of immortal life, sold their souls to the dark gods. Now, desiring only to hunt living prey, these terrible creatures lurk in the darkness of their shadowy home. These forgotten beings can wait for years for prey to cross their path - suddenly springing from the plant life grown over their century still bodies. They attack with abandon, using their dual iron blades - only resting once their prey has been slain.
"…without the need to breathe or eat, the Deathless-Ones crouch along the forest paths and wait for trespassers into their realm. So long they can wait, the lichens and weeds that grow about and upon them sometimes completely obscure their withered forms…"
"There is a tale of an ancient race who threw aside the shackles of thought and reason and delved into a feral state of cannibalism. So brutal and murderous were these peoples, the story goes, they sought the aid of dark gods to grant them undying life so that they may continue their atrocious deeds into the aeons…"

Very dangerous creatures to have catch you unaware. The floating skulls they fire at you eventually find a target, and summon a bunch of ghostly hands that come out of the ground to grab you. These hands HURT. Keep moving around Lyches, and you should be fine. Lyches also seem to have the ability to paralyze beings that get very close.
In a time known as the Great Cleansing, the daughters of a remote village were put to death for practicing the ancient magical rituals of their peoples. The women were thrown into their village well and drowned. Yet, centuries later, Bahl'al the Watcher would find their dead spirits there, screaming from beyond the grave for vengeance. He obliged them. Now these long dead sorceresses have become the commanders in Bahl'al's army, the fires of hatred burning brightly behind their clouded eyes. The Lyche attack with a magical blast of pure rage that creeps across the landscape, only to erupt in the midst of their enemies.
"…slowly she awoke in the cold waters, the tatters of her dress billowing and spinning. A voice had beckoned her. She drifted slowly towards the voice, until her glassy eyes could see the lanky figure standing on the edge of the well. The voice came again, 'Serve me and you will have your revenge." The memory of hatred burning again, she drifted towards her new master…"
"…dragged to the edge of the well, she was questioned one last time, "Tell me where the rest of your coven lays, and you will be spared." She smiled as she spat into he Grand Cleanser's face. The rough hands then hurled her screaming from the rocky precipice, into the freezing waters far below - a fate which the Grand Cleanser planned for all practitioners of the black arts…"

Much like Forgotten, Stygian Knights are rather average melee units, not much of a threat on their own. The difference is that sometimes Stygian Knights are just regular suits of armor, coming to life at the worst possible time.
These deathless guardians appear to be animated suits of armor. In fact, they are living souls, extracted from a living being and imprisoned within the metallic confines of the thick plated armor. Many necromancers use these constructs as tireless killers and bodyguards. Other less vile sorcerers create Stygian Knights from their most loyal of followers, chosen as guardians outlasting even death, These Knights can be found in many a tomb and barrow of ancient necromancers and mages. Stygian Knights use polearms to stab at the foes of their master from afar. Their thick armor provided excellent protections, yet their ghostly reflexes make them slow to attack and move.
"…Mages throughout time have searched for the perfect guardian; one that can serve as a steadfast bodyguard, an unquestioning servant, and a tireless sentry. In a long forgotten territory, the steward of the land bid a challenge to create such as guardian. A coven of necromancers answered the bidding by delivering a hundred warriors clad in black armor to the land…"
"…his sacrifice still twitching, Kelbyrne smeared the sanguine liquid upon the black suit of armor, all the while listening. As the last ragged breath wheezed from the sacrifice, Kelbyrne breathed it in deeply. Then walking to the suit of mail, breathed out the dead man's essence into the iron helm. Slowly, the creak of metal sounded, as the hollow suit began to move with life…"
Next time on Myth III
The four heroes enter the Crypt of Mazzarin to convince the Archmage to help them. The creatures and traps Mazzarin left behind aren't going to be a problem; the biggest problem our four heroes will face…is each other.